Aktualności i wydarzenia
New gift sets!
Dear friends,
Time to think about gifts!
We are giving you a dozen or so ideas for dream gifts for your loved ones, friends, employees and partners. This year we have an absolute premiere for you: sets by Zbigniew, Grzegorz and Jacek. You can probably guess who their author is ;)
Check out all the proposals today: bit.ly/ZestawyPrezentoweWinnicaTurnau
Best Regards,
Winnica Turnau
Time to think about gifts!
We are giving you a dozen or so ideas for dream gifts for your loved ones, friends, employees and partners. This year we have an absolute premiere for you: sets by Zbigniew, Grzegorz and Jacek. You can probably guess who their author is ;)
Check out all the proposals today: bit.ly/ZestawyPrezentoweWinnicaTurnau
Best Regards,
Winnica Turnau