Aktualności i wydarzenia
Brytyjski The Times pisze o Poznaniu, a wśród kulinarnych odkryć wymienia naszego Solarisa!
Szanowni Państwo,
Brytyjski The Times pisze o Poznaniu, a wśród kulinarnych odkryć wymienia naszego Solarisa!
“Although better known for vodka, Poland has a flourishing wine industry. More than 500 wineries produce two million bottles annually and this top-notch restaurant behind the Sheraton has the world’s largest selection of Polish wines. A bottle of the Winnica Turnau solaris is a must. Or book a tasting of three selected wines for £15 (wine from £5; concordiataste.pl).”
Link do całego artykułu: https://tiny.pl/q31jc12r
Łączymy pozdrowienia,
Winnica Turnau
Brytyjski The Times pisze o Poznaniu, a wśród kulinarnych odkryć wymienia naszego Solarisa!
“Although better known for vodka, Poland has a flourishing wine industry. More than 500 wineries produce two million bottles annually and this top-notch restaurant behind the Sheraton has the world’s largest selection of Polish wines. A bottle of the Winnica Turnau solaris is a must. Or book a tasting of three selected wines for £15 (wine from £5; concordiataste.pl).”
Link do całego artykułu: https://tiny.pl/q31jc12r
Łączymy pozdrowienia,
Winnica Turnau