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Frank Faust - our oenologist and dear friend
Frank Faust - producer of fantastic wines, owner of a vineyard in Rheingau, and for us, role model and a dear friend. He has been with us for 6 years and each of our wines shows his knowledge, experience and talent. He is 42 years...
Bottling of the 2019 vintage!
Dear friends, Bottling wines from 2019 vintage is in progress! In the next few days, we will bottle riesling, hibernal and johanniter. Bottling time is the crowning of our hard work. Are you curious about the new vintage? We have to wait a ...
Dear Wininca Turnau friends, For health and safety reasons, we cancel the next concerts and events. All vineyard and winery tours are cancelled until further notice. Our vinotheque is open from Monday to Friday between 11-17. Payment by card on...
Turnau vineyard among ecological vineyards!
Our winery has finally received an organic vineyard certificate! We have run the vineyard ecologically since the very beginning. In 2015 we submitted the first application for organic certificate. After four-year efforts, many inspections and annual...
Grapes for Solaris 2019 picked up!
A first part of harvest 2019 is over. The solaris must works gaily in fermentation tanks and we are waiting for readiness of following varieties. We would like to show you a short story of the beginning of this year harvest. Zdjęcia: Winnica Turn...
Harvest 2019 just started!

Harvest is coming!
August is very exciting moment for winemaker. Summer sun gives the final touch to the ripening fruits and winery is preparing for intense work. Harvest is culmination of months of preparation, and we try to adapt to what nature will offer and be read...
Wine events with Winnica Turnau
This Sunday (16.06) wines from Winnica Turnau will be presented in two wine events in two European capitals - Berlin and Warsaw. In Berlin you can find us on Warszawska street, and in Warsaw on Zakroczymska street. There will be also a possibility ...
Riesling 2018 was announced the best Polish white wine!
Last weekend we received the results of the Polskie Korki 2019 wine competition. We are pleased to announce that Riesling 2018 has been chosen the best wine in the white wine category and received Golden Cork! Our Rosé 2017 and Ice Wine 2017 also re...
Awards at ProWein 2019!
Ladies and gentlemen, We are pleased to announce that at the ProWein 2019 fair, our winery has been awarded again. Seyval Blanc 2017, Rose 2017 and Solaris 2018 recived medals. This is the second distinction for our wines granted recently. In INTERV...


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